Friday 12 March 2021

Oil Spills.


WALT: Make connections between texts.

Task: Watch this  Mauritius Oil Spill Video and answer the following questions. Now compare the two oil spill disasters. What is the same and different about the events and their impact..


Who owned the vessel? Nagashiki

How much oil was on board? 4000 tonnes

Where is Mauritius? In the indian ocean

Why might the government describe the area as ‘sensitive’?

Because a lot of native marine life lives there.

What are some problems that Mauritius may face? It could of broken up causing an even bigger oil spill.

What have the people of Mauritius already done to clean up the spill? Put hair to soak it up and sponges.

Where was the tanker travelling? It was supposed to be going to Brazil from China.

Who is Happy Khambule?  Senior climate and energy campaign manager

What is the same / different about the Mauritius spill and the MV Rena spill in New Zealand?

Mauritius Spill

Both spills

New Zealand Spill

4000 tonnes of oil

Didn’t break in half

Didn’t have plastic bags on feet

Didn’t put signs up.

Both spills were oil

Both had toxic chemicals

Bring in the army

Put police tape an signs up

Nearly broke in half

Put plastic bags on their feet

Today we started learning about oil spills. There was a video we had to watch and then answer the questions. We had to see the differences between the Maurituis spill and the NZ spill.

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