Tuesday 28 September 2021


There was a monkey called Blade

who had a very nice house maid

he was swinging from some trees

and fell into a bucket of bees

There is a man called Santa Claus

and he likes to give presents

one night he felt animal paws

and the animal knocked him to the floor

I like to eat chocolate

its very good for you

but dont eat too much

or you'll do a big poo

There was a plant his name was France

and liked anyway to dance

One of his branches went *SNAP*

and he can no longer do tap

Caption: Here is my Quatrain poems, I really hope you like them. I worked very hard on them. What one is your favourite, my favourite is the last one. All you have to do is make a rhyme scheme and it has to rhyme with something, it is four lines, the poem is really easy to make, you can make it about anything. Bye, hope you enjoy.

Monday 27 September 2021


There was once a dog named Billy (A)

and he liked to be very silly (A)

he saw another dog (B)

and fell on a log (B)

and his owners started calling him Milly (A)

There was once a mouse called Brad (A)

and people thought he very rad (A)

he was eating some cheese (B)

then along came some bees (B)

and the king was a very massive lad (A)

Caption: Hello, these are some limericks that I wrote. I hope you like them because it took me a bit to write them. It was confusing at the start but then I got the hang of it. The first one is about my dog called Billy and the second one is about a mouse I found and I called it Brad. There has to be five lines in a limerick, the first two and the last line have to rhyme and the third and fourth line have to rhyme, the three lines that rhyme have to have 7-10 syllables and the two that rhyme have to have 5-7 syllables. Anyway hope you enjoyed, Bye.

Friday 24 September 2021

Where in the world


     This is my where in the world google doc, its somewhere to Tokyo Japan. It was quite difficult. I had to measure the distance which was easy. So all I had to do was bunny click on one of the each ends and click measure distance and click the track from it and it will tell you down the bottom how many km ( kilometres ) there is. Hope you enjoy, bye.

….. to Tokyo, Japan 

The Distance (in  


Flight Time 


Cost of a Ticket

Auckland, New Zealand 


10h 30m

Canberra, Australia


15h 10m

Berlin, Germany


14h 30m

Beijing, China


6h 25m

Bangkok, Thailand


6h 25m

London, United 



12h 10m

Capillary action


Today the year 6`s did a science experiment, it was amazing. We got 6 cups and put them in a circle, then we put the water in 3 cups 1 away from each other and put a few drops of food colouring in 1 cup with water each, then we put folded paper towels in between one of the cups with food colouring and one of the empty cups, watch the water molecules be absorbed and travel up the paper towel into the other cup and see the two colours mix. We also put a flower in the red cup and are going to leave it over the weekend and see if it travels to the white part of the flower. Hope you enjoy, bye.

Thursday 23 September 2021

Cleirhew poems

There was a girl called Katie

she was not a matey

she liked to eat Mcdonalds

but then she got the wobbles.

There was a bear called Paddington 

He liked to eat lamingtons

one day he was eating a sandwich

and got a little itch

There was a girl called Dora

she had a monkey called Boots

she was a giant explorer 

and went on some adventures for loot

There was a boy called Terry 

and he was very merry

He liked to be funny

but it didn't entertain the Bunny's

Caption: These are poems called Cleirhew poems, they are very fun to make. All you do is think of a person you know or  a famous person or a friend or a book character and think what they like doing and and what sort of stuff they do and like and the first two and last two can rhyme or the first and last one can rhyme, it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Hope you can make one by my instructions or just search up how to make one. Hope you enjoy, Bye 

Wednesday 22 September 2021

2 Epitaph poems

 Here lies a male called Brad pail

and he liked to bite his nail

one day he bit them way too hard

and found himself in a hole in the yard.

Here lies Drew Starkey

he liked to be barkey

one day he got splashed

then he lashed

and barkey he was no more

Caption: I hope you like my poem about Drew and Brad whoever they may be, but I hope you like these 2 poems because I put a lot of hard work into these Epitaphs. They were really fun to do, maybe you could tell me what Epitaph is your favourite. I really hope you enjoy this blog post and my Epitaphs, have a good rest of your day. Bye.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Acrostic poem about Mothers

Moody mums get very mad

Overly annoyed when you dont clean your room

They need a lot of me time

Heart full of love

Encourage you for whatever you want to do in life

Respect you through everything

Scary when angry at us children

Caption: This is my acrostic poem about mums, I really like this poem and I hope you do too. It took me a little time but I really love this poem. First we had to do a poem just to practice and had to come up with 5 ideas for each letter, then we went to do our proper one and publish it onto our blog. I hope you like my poem about mothers, bye.

Friday 17 September 2021

Instagram post


For our Paralympic stuff, we ad to make an Instagram post on a Paralympian, it was really fun but tricky, we didn't actually post it to instagram, we are posting it to our blog instead. Hope you enjoyed this blog post, bye.

5 things I know about Japan.


For our paralympics we had to make 5 things we know about Japan, here is mine I dont know much about Japan so it was quite tricky but I hope you enjoyed this, bye.



For our Paralympics we had to answer some questions about the Paralympics, it was hard doing the research but it was fun writing stuff down. I write down the questions and then put the answer down. I really hope you learnt something from me, bye.

Profiles of Paralympians


For Paralympic stuff we had to make profiles of and man and a woman Paralympian, it was really fun. I chose to do Sophie pascoe and Daniel Dias. Hope you like it, bye.

Paralympic sports


For our Paralympic we had to make a presentation of Paralympic sports, it was tricky and a bit hard. I got through it and a lot of the other Paralympic stuff. Hope you liked it, bye

Article for stuff

 This year is the Tokyo 2021 Paralympic games, there will be many contestants, who will make it to the Paralympics. There will be many sports, Archery, athletics, boccia, cycling ( road and track), Equestrian, football 5-a side, goal ball, judo, para canoe, para triathlon, power lifting, rowing, shooting, sitting volleyball, swimming, table tennis, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair fencing, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis. There were 2 new sports added to the Paralympics this year, they were: Taekwondo and Badminton. Swimmer Sophie pascoe is NZ`s most decorated paralympian of all time, swimmer Sophie got her leg run over by a lawn mower her dad was driving, she was very young at this point. NZ`s Paralympic team have decided that our medal goal is 22. The very first proper Paralympic games was in Rome 1960, it wasn't until after world war ll that the Paralympics started,  German-British neurologist Dr. Ludwig Guttman opened a spinal injuries centre at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in 1944 at the request of the British government. The activities in the Paralympics grew, as they added more and more.

Caption: For our Paralympics we had to write an article for stuff, we did not actually put it on stuff, we just pretended to make one for stuff, it was a bit tricky but fun, hope you enjoy, bye

My paralympic mascot


For Paralympic stuff we had to create a mascot, mine mascot is called Barry. He is a lot of animals, and it is hard for him to move like other people and creatures. Hope you enjoy, bye

Thursday 9 September 2021

All about back to school


Today we made this back to school activity, because obviously we have been in lock-down for the past 4-5 weeks. We did this because Ms Farr wanted to know how people were feeling, so we did this activity about back to school. Hope you enjoyed it, bye.

Monday 6 September 2021

What do you meme?


For today's work we could do this slide, Ms Farr put pictures on each slide and we had to put the caption for them. It was super fun making the words as some of the pictures were really funny.