Friday 27 August 2021

All about meerkats.


Today we had to do the weekly quiz and choose one topic in the quiz to research. I chose the meerkat one. It was really fun doing this. I really hope you enjoyed this blog post and maybe you could do the weekly quiz and choose a topic to research about, bye.

Thursday 26 August 2021

Maths challenge cards.


Today for maths, Ms. Farr said that we need to do maths challenge cards in your google drive. It was pretty hard, there was even one which nearly stumped my parents. Maybe you can cover my answers and you could try it and see if our answers are the same. I hope you like this blog post, Bye.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers


For maths on Tuesday, we had to fill out this slide of converting improper fractions into mixed numbers, I got to say it wasn't too easy. Making the numbers was the hardest bit, I hope you can learn something from me. So how to do it, if I had 17, 3s, I would see how many times 3 goes into 17, which is 5 and then times 5 by 3 or 3 by 5 and thats 15 with a remainder of 2. So the answer is 5 and 2 thirds. Thanks for looking, bye.

Friday 20 August 2021

Cupcakes in lock down.


In lock down, Ms. Farr challenged whenua to a bake off. I made cupcakes, and they were so good. I recommend you make these cupcakes and try them out yourself. I hope you enjoy them if you make them and this blog post. Bye

Friday 13 August 2021

What I learnt in maths this week.


This week in maths I learnt how to convert improper fractions.It is actually quite easy once you get the hang of it and is quite fun. I hope I can teach some people how to convert improper fractions. Remember the bottom number always stays the same.

Healthy spring rolls.

 Today, the year 6`s made healthy spring rolls, for a on the go snack. The outside was a really weird texture and was really stretchy. I did not really like them because the texture was really weird, although the inside was really good. All the other year 6`s liked it, so I recommend you try this recipe: Step 1: Get some ingredients for your spring roll and clear rice paper. Step 2: put your rice paper in cold water for about 1-2 minutes then take it out. Step 3: Put the ingredients of your choice like spinach, carrot, coriander, avocado, and chicken in your wet rice paper. Step 4: roll up the rice paper a bit and then fold the sides in then finish rolling up all the way. Step 5: Enjoy your wonderful spring roll.

Thursday 5 August 2021

The Olympics


For the Olympic games, the whole class of whenua did different things about the Olympics. I made a slide about the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics, a few sports and fun facts. I hope you enjoy this blog post.e