Friday 29 October 2021

Ms. Farrs muesli


Today, while the year sevens were at tech, Ms. Farr brought in her muesli that she brings in every morning and she gave a small portion to each of the year sixes in a red cup, we all had a bit of milk in it and it was so yummy, but there were definitely some things that I would change about it. I loved trying the crunchy muesli with dried fruits, overall it was delicious. 

Friday 22 October 2021

Matariki vs diwali, compare and contrast


For our celebrations work, we had to do a compare and contrast. We basically had to compare both of them and then find out the things they do similarly. It was really fun and I couldn't really figure out what they had similar. So I hope you enjoy, Bye.

Nutritious cereal


Hello, for the next 5 weeks we are going to be researching, and making our own muesli. This week we are researching health ratings for cereals, week 2 we are going to plan what we are going to make and make a recipe, week 3 we are going to design our muesli box, week 4 we are going to make our muesli box and week 5 we are going to make our muesli. We are going to do this every Friday when the year 7s and 8s are at tech. Bye, hope you enjoy.