Tuesday 7 December 2021

Things about me


Today we did the second summer learning journey challenge and we had to write about our culture and about where we come from. We wrote stuff with takutai aswell.

Monday 6 December 2021

Summer learning journey #1


Today with Takutai we started practising for the summer learning journey. We watched a video and we got "invited" to a three-day voyage. So we had to list ten food things we would bring with us. So Me and my buddy chose these things.

Friday 12 November 2021

My diya


Hello, today for our Diwali stuff we made Diyas a while ago and are posting them on our blog when we are done. We used modeling clay to shape small round pots with a thin bottom because if it has a thick bottom it won't dry as quick.  If you are making them with someone else you could put your initials on the bottom so they don't get mixed up. You can put cool patterns on your still wet Diya.
Next, it's time to paint, you could use pretty colours and bright colours and not too much black at all because Diwali is the festival of light so you want the colours to be bright. You could use a pencil to get in the markings and paint them. The paint drys super quick because its on proper clay. Its super fun to paint and you can put them all around your house. When you shape it it takes atleast 1-2 days to fully dry.
Then you can put candles in them. Once you have shaped and painted then you can put little candle inside light it and there you have your Diya. These were super fun to make and I finished a couple of days ago. We are taking them home once we are done and we get to keep them. I am super happy about how mine turned out and how all the patterns look. Hope you enjoy, bye.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Key word hunt and brief summary of Fly me up


Today, we had to read the article fly me up and then fill out this form. It was really interesting and fun.  I also liked the story and had a lot of things rushing in and out of my head while reading through the article. The article was really beautiful and had many hopeful things in the story. I hope you enjoy, bye.

Digital rangoli pattern and real life rangoli pattern


Hello, for our Diwali stuff we had to make rangoli, first in our maths books then do it digitally it was fun but I don't really love the one I did digitally. I searched up rangoli patterns and came up with an idea. I made the pattern and coloured it in with really bright colours. Then I just copied it onto my Chromebook, it was super fun but a little time consuming because I had to get the right shapes and copy them and also put them in the right places. Rangoli is a sign of welcome and they are meant to be sacred welcoming areas, they are also said to bring good luck.

Friday 29 October 2021

Ms. Farrs muesli


Today, while the year sevens were at tech, Ms. Farr brought in her muesli that she brings in every morning and she gave a small portion to each of the year sixes in a red cup, we all had a bit of milk in it and it was so yummy, but there were definitely some things that I would change about it. I loved trying the crunchy muesli with dried fruits, overall it was delicious. 

Friday 22 October 2021

Matariki vs diwali, compare and contrast


For our celebrations work, we had to do a compare and contrast. We basically had to compare both of them and then find out the things they do similarly. It was really fun and I couldn't really figure out what they had similar. So I hope you enjoy, Bye.

Nutritious cereal


Hello, for the next 5 weeks we are going to be researching, and making our own muesli. This week we are researching health ratings for cereals, week 2 we are going to plan what we are going to make and make a recipe, week 3 we are going to design our muesli box, week 4 we are going to make our muesli box and week 5 we are going to make our muesli. We are going to do this every Friday when the year 7s and 8s are at tech. Bye, hope you enjoy. 

Tuesday 28 September 2021


There was a monkey called Blade

who had a very nice house maid

he was swinging from some trees

and fell into a bucket of bees

There is a man called Santa Claus

and he likes to give presents

one night he felt animal paws

and the animal knocked him to the floor

I like to eat chocolate

its very good for you

but dont eat too much

or you'll do a big poo

There was a plant his name was France

and liked anyway to dance

One of his branches went *SNAP*

and he can no longer do tap

Caption: Here is my Quatrain poems, I really hope you like them. I worked very hard on them. What one is your favourite, my favourite is the last one. All you have to do is make a rhyme scheme and it has to rhyme with something, it is four lines, the poem is really easy to make, you can make it about anything. Bye, hope you enjoy.

Monday 27 September 2021


There was once a dog named Billy (A)

and he liked to be very silly (A)

he saw another dog (B)

and fell on a log (B)

and his owners started calling him Milly (A)

There was once a mouse called Brad (A)

and people thought he very rad (A)

he was eating some cheese (B)

then along came some bees (B)

and the king was a very massive lad (A)

Caption: Hello, these are some limericks that I wrote. I hope you like them because it took me a bit to write them. It was confusing at the start but then I got the hang of it. The first one is about my dog called Billy and the second one is about a mouse I found and I called it Brad. There has to be five lines in a limerick, the first two and the last line have to rhyme and the third and fourth line have to rhyme, the three lines that rhyme have to have 7-10 syllables and the two that rhyme have to have 5-7 syllables. Anyway hope you enjoyed, Bye.

Friday 24 September 2021

Where in the world


     This is my where in the world google doc, its somewhere to Tokyo Japan. It was quite difficult. I had to measure the distance which was easy. So all I had to do was bunny click on one of the each ends and click measure distance and click the track from it and it will tell you down the bottom how many km ( kilometres ) there is. Hope you enjoy, bye.

….. to Tokyo, Japan 

The Distance (in  


Flight Time 


Cost of a Ticket

Auckland, New Zealand 


10h 30m

Canberra, Australia


15h 10m

Berlin, Germany


14h 30m

Beijing, China


6h 25m

Bangkok, Thailand


6h 25m

London, United 



12h 10m

Capillary action


Today the year 6`s did a science experiment, it was amazing. We got 6 cups and put them in a circle, then we put the water in 3 cups 1 away from each other and put a few drops of food colouring in 1 cup with water each, then we put folded paper towels in between one of the cups with food colouring and one of the empty cups, watch the water molecules be absorbed and travel up the paper towel into the other cup and see the two colours mix. We also put a flower in the red cup and are going to leave it over the weekend and see if it travels to the white part of the flower. Hope you enjoy, bye.

Thursday 23 September 2021

Cleirhew poems

There was a girl called Katie

she was not a matey

she liked to eat Mcdonalds

but then she got the wobbles.

There was a bear called Paddington 

He liked to eat lamingtons

one day he was eating a sandwich

and got a little itch

There was a girl called Dora

she had a monkey called Boots

she was a giant explorer 

and went on some adventures for loot

There was a boy called Terry 

and he was very merry

He liked to be funny

but it didn't entertain the Bunny's

Caption: These are poems called Cleirhew poems, they are very fun to make. All you do is think of a person you know or  a famous person or a friend or a book character and think what they like doing and and what sort of stuff they do and like and the first two and last two can rhyme or the first and last one can rhyme, it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Hope you can make one by my instructions or just search up how to make one. Hope you enjoy, Bye 

Wednesday 22 September 2021

2 Epitaph poems

 Here lies a male called Brad pail

and he liked to bite his nail

one day he bit them way too hard

and found himself in a hole in the yard.

Here lies Drew Starkey

he liked to be barkey

one day he got splashed

then he lashed

and barkey he was no more

Caption: I hope you like my poem about Drew and Brad whoever they may be, but I hope you like these 2 poems because I put a lot of hard work into these Epitaphs. They were really fun to do, maybe you could tell me what Epitaph is your favourite. I really hope you enjoy this blog post and my Epitaphs, have a good rest of your day. Bye.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Acrostic poem about Mothers

Moody mums get very mad

Overly annoyed when you dont clean your room

They need a lot of me time

Heart full of love

Encourage you for whatever you want to do in life

Respect you through everything

Scary when angry at us children

Caption: This is my acrostic poem about mums, I really like this poem and I hope you do too. It took me a little time but I really love this poem. First we had to do a poem just to practice and had to come up with 5 ideas for each letter, then we went to do our proper one and publish it onto our blog. I hope you like my poem about mothers, bye.

Friday 17 September 2021

Instagram post


For our Paralympic stuff, we ad to make an Instagram post on a Paralympian, it was really fun but tricky, we didn't actually post it to instagram, we are posting it to our blog instead. Hope you enjoyed this blog post, bye.

5 things I know about Japan.


For our paralympics we had to make 5 things we know about Japan, here is mine I dont know much about Japan so it was quite tricky but I hope you enjoyed this, bye.



For our Paralympics we had to answer some questions about the Paralympics, it was hard doing the research but it was fun writing stuff down. I write down the questions and then put the answer down. I really hope you learnt something from me, bye.

Profiles of Paralympians


For Paralympic stuff we had to make profiles of and man and a woman Paralympian, it was really fun. I chose to do Sophie pascoe and Daniel Dias. Hope you like it, bye.

Paralympic sports


For our Paralympic we had to make a presentation of Paralympic sports, it was tricky and a bit hard. I got through it and a lot of the other Paralympic stuff. Hope you liked it, bye

Article for stuff

 This year is the Tokyo 2021 Paralympic games, there will be many contestants, who will make it to the Paralympics. There will be many sports, Archery, athletics, boccia, cycling ( road and track), Equestrian, football 5-a side, goal ball, judo, para canoe, para triathlon, power lifting, rowing, shooting, sitting volleyball, swimming, table tennis, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair fencing, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis. There were 2 new sports added to the Paralympics this year, they were: Taekwondo and Badminton. Swimmer Sophie pascoe is NZ`s most decorated paralympian of all time, swimmer Sophie got her leg run over by a lawn mower her dad was driving, she was very young at this point. NZ`s Paralympic team have decided that our medal goal is 22. The very first proper Paralympic games was in Rome 1960, it wasn't until after world war ll that the Paralympics started,  German-British neurologist Dr. Ludwig Guttman opened a spinal injuries centre at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in 1944 at the request of the British government. The activities in the Paralympics grew, as they added more and more.

Caption: For our Paralympics we had to write an article for stuff, we did not actually put it on stuff, we just pretended to make one for stuff, it was a bit tricky but fun, hope you enjoy, bye

My paralympic mascot


For Paralympic stuff we had to create a mascot, mine mascot is called Barry. He is a lot of animals, and it is hard for him to move like other people and creatures. Hope you enjoy, bye

Thursday 9 September 2021

All about back to school


Today we made this back to school activity, because obviously we have been in lock-down for the past 4-5 weeks. We did this because Ms Farr wanted to know how people were feeling, so we did this activity about back to school. Hope you enjoyed it, bye.

Monday 6 September 2021

What do you meme?


For today's work we could do this slide, Ms Farr put pictures on each slide and we had to put the caption for them. It was super fun making the words as some of the pictures were really funny.

Friday 27 August 2021

All about meerkats.


Today we had to do the weekly quiz and choose one topic in the quiz to research. I chose the meerkat one. It was really fun doing this. I really hope you enjoyed this blog post and maybe you could do the weekly quiz and choose a topic to research about, bye.

Thursday 26 August 2021

Maths challenge cards.


Today for maths, Ms. Farr said that we need to do maths challenge cards in your google drive. It was pretty hard, there was even one which nearly stumped my parents. Maybe you can cover my answers and you could try it and see if our answers are the same. I hope you like this blog post, Bye.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Converting improper fractions into mixed numbers


For maths on Tuesday, we had to fill out this slide of converting improper fractions into mixed numbers, I got to say it wasn't too easy. Making the numbers was the hardest bit, I hope you can learn something from me. So how to do it, if I had 17, 3s, I would see how many times 3 goes into 17, which is 5 and then times 5 by 3 or 3 by 5 and thats 15 with a remainder of 2. So the answer is 5 and 2 thirds. Thanks for looking, bye.

Friday 20 August 2021

Cupcakes in lock down.


In lock down, Ms. Farr challenged whenua to a bake off. I made cupcakes, and they were so good. I recommend you make these cupcakes and try them out yourself. I hope you enjoy them if you make them and this blog post. Bye

Friday 13 August 2021

What I learnt in maths this week.


This week in maths I learnt how to convert improper fractions.It is actually quite easy once you get the hang of it and is quite fun. I hope I can teach some people how to convert improper fractions. Remember the bottom number always stays the same.

Healthy spring rolls.

 Today, the year 6`s made healthy spring rolls, for a on the go snack. The outside was a really weird texture and was really stretchy. I did not really like them because the texture was really weird, although the inside was really good. All the other year 6`s liked it, so I recommend you try this recipe: Step 1: Get some ingredients for your spring roll and clear rice paper. Step 2: put your rice paper in cold water for about 1-2 minutes then take it out. Step 3: Put the ingredients of your choice like spinach, carrot, coriander, avocado, and chicken in your wet rice paper. Step 4: roll up the rice paper a bit and then fold the sides in then finish rolling up all the way. Step 5: Enjoy your wonderful spring roll.

Thursday 5 August 2021

The Olympics


For the Olympic games, the whole class of whenua did different things about the Olympics. I made a slide about the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics, a few sports and fun facts. I hope you enjoy this blog post.e

Friday 9 July 2021

How are these jobs affected during and after lock down


Hi, for our T-shaped literacy we were looking at careers we wanted to do. We should make 4 blog posts about this,so my 3rd and 4th should be coming soon. This was really hard to do because there were so many slides. We had to research each one seperatly,but it was fun. I hope you enjoyed.

Super moons


Hello everyone, For our year 6 inquiry we chose our own topic to research about. I chose super moons, first we looked for information,then we put it on a google doc,google slide or any presentation. I really hope you like it and at least learn 1 thing about super moons. Thanks for looking,bye 

Wednesday 30 June 2021




If you want to be a chef you need to train for 1-3 years, usually a chef will get paid 42K-65K a year and head chefs usually earn 65K to 100K a year. Chances are good for becoming a chef due to the lack of chefs. Chefs prepare or cook food in hotels,restaurant, rest homes,cafes and bars. Chefs get more experienced and move up the kitchen and work with restaurant managers or owners and then maybe they could open their own restaurants one day.


If you want to be a baker then you need to train for 2-3 years, bakers usually earn 42K per year and qualified bakers normally earn 45K-67K per year.. The chances are good for getting a job as a baker because there is a shortage of workers. Bakers prepare,bake and decorate bread,pastries,rolls,desserts,cakes and slices. Bakers usually work at bakeries,cake shops,supermarkets and restaurants.

Forest manager

If you want to be a forest manager you have to train for 3 years, forest managers with up to 5 years of training normally get paid 55K-95K per year and senior forest managers normally earn 95K-100K per year. The chances are good for becoming a forest manager because there is very few forestry graduates. Forest managers plan and direct the planting,growth,harvesting and protection of forests for wood productions.

Food technologist

If you want to be a food technologist then you have to train for 3-5 years, food technologists with up to 5 years of experience  usually earn 50K-75K and food technologists with more than five years of experience usually earn 75K-100K. The chances are good for getting a job as a food technologist because there are shortages of workers and people are demanding their services. Food technologists research,develop and improve food and drinks. They also might be involved in packaging food to meet the government standards.

Pet groomer

Pet groomers don't have a specific length of training,new pet groomers don't earn much but experienced pet groomers usually earn $20-$27 an hour. The chances of becoming a pet groomer are good because there are a shortage of workers and too high demand of grooming. Pet groomers trim,shape and clean the hair and nails of animals in salons,grooming vans and pet shops.


Hello everyone,For our t-shaped literacy we are doing careers. These are 5 of the 100 options that came up, we could only pick 5 thats why. Maybe you should try and do the test. I did a lot of information for each one,maybe you might become one of these people and do these jobs. Hope you enjoy,bye

Tuesday 29 June 2021

The strength of a thousand. By Katie

 Since she was young,Kate had known she was different to normal people. It was only now though that her true powers were beginning to be realised. 

"WHY MUM" Kate screams "BECAUSE I SAID SO" Kate's mum says, Kate storms off into her bedroom with the door slammed shut and locked behind her and starts to cry. "We cant keep her in this house for eternity" her dad speaking to her mum, "I know but, how are we going to let her out into the outside world" her mum speaking back to her dad. Kate comes out of her bedroom and sneakily makes her way to the front door only to discover that it was locked.When she thinks she should give up she sees the keys on the bench,then an idea pops up in her head. "Can I have a cookie" Kate asks "ok" says her mum, as Kate reaches for the cookies she snatches the keys on the bench then creeps away to the front door again and unlocks it. "KATE NO" says her parents,Kate steps outside and feels a slight breeze,in the distance she can see a car collision about to happen,but she looks back at the house and can see her parents charging at her like angry bulls. She runs as fast as she could to the car collision and picks up both the cars that were hurdling toward her. Everyone was clapping and saying she had the strength of a thousand. From then on her parents allowed her to prevent crimes like robbery,kidnapping and many other things. She from then was known as WONDER WOMAN.


Hi everyone,Today Ms,Farr  This is a piece of writing came from pobble ( pobble is a story starter which basically gives you something to write about and it gives you a story starter). So the first paragraph is the story starter and the rest is all my writing. First we had to plan what we were going to write about then we had to write it in our book,after that we write it straight on our blog and publish it. I really hope you enjoyed this blog post and have a wonderful day or night. Bye everyone

Thursday 24 June 2021


Hello everyone, today I will be talking to you about octopus. In this information report you will hear about different types of octopus,their habitat,their predators, and their prey. They are an 8 legged sea creature and are extremely intelligent, they are amazing escape artists.  


Octopuses live in many different parts of the ocean. Octopuses live in coral reefs and kelp forests,octopus tend to prefer warmer water,meaning they like to live in the sunlight zone. They also live in tidal rock pools where they can disguise themselves as oddly shaped rocks to capture prey. Octopus have no skeleton so they can squeeze themselves into small and tight spaces.                                                                                           


There are a lot of different octopus all around the world. Some species of octopus are rarer than others,different species live in different environments such as the pressure as you get deeper in the ocean. Her e are some types of octopus: Blue ringed octopus, Giant pacific octopus, Common octopus, and Caribbean reef octopus. There are 300 species of octopus here are some more: Mimic octopus, Coconut octopus,Blanket octopus and California two-spot octopus.


Octopus have a range of predators. Like Seals, Conga eels, Sea otters, Moray eels, Dolphins, Sperm whales and Sharks. Octopus are so intelligent they have different ways of defending themselves, they swim head first and in times of danger they can expel themselves out of water.


Octopus eat a lot of different sea creatures. Octopus have venom and different octopus have different levels of toxicity ( which means they can kill their prey easily ). Octopus feed on crabs,clams,snails,small fish and other octopus. Octopus are one of the most intelligent creatures to catch their prey.

Ideas about the topic:

Octopus have three hearts and nine brains, one brain in their head and one in each tentacle. Their age in the wild is 1-2 years old. Towards the end of the females life she will get hungry enough to eat the male.


So I really hope that you enjoy this post about octopus and hope you learnt more. This post was a bit of a tricky one but thanks for reading.


So this is my post about octopus, and first everyone researched and made a poster in groups. Then we all made a plan with subheadings,topic sentences and explanation boxes. After we did that everyone made a post like this on their blog. So make sure to check out everyone's blogs in whenua and see what they have done. Thanks for reading bye.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

The 10 great walks in NZ.


Today whenua and part of taiao did the weekly quiz, one of the questions was about the great walks in NZ. so Ms. Farr made us a deal and said if we finished this by the end of next block then we get to pick what we want to do for the next 2 blocks. So here it is. I had a lot of pressure on my back as I was nearly finished but so was the time. Hope you enjoy and maybe visit some of these places in NZ.

Thursday 17 June 2021

Humpback whales.

Kia ora,
Today all the year 6 students in whenua ( our class ) got put into Ngahere ( another class ). Ms Farr was teaching that class so she set us to work to do some research on humpback whales. We had to answer these questions
Where they live
What they eat
Body parts
I also put some fun facts in there. I did as much research as I could because we got a time limit. To get the whale picture/drawing was hard because I had to search up humpback whale drawing which I didn't know to do that first, then I just labelled it.
Hope you enjoyed
Bye everyone.

Friday 11 June 2021

Silhouette art.

Today we did art, we draw over silhouettes and then draw lines on the paper not through the picture though, next we coloured the silhouettes in with pastel next the background. Then outline everything in black. Hope you enjoy.


Wednesday 9 June 2021

Word of the week


Today the word of the week is resilience. Do you know what it means. We did this before a test. Hope you like it.

Tuesday 8 June 2021



Friday 14 May 2021

Word of the week

This week the word is innovation can you figure out what that means look at this post to find out.



For maths this week we did fractions on this slide. Some of them for me were quite challenging. Hope you enjoy. 

Book review.


Today for leading up to book week we had to write a book review. The teacher brang in some books to read and make a book review about. This is the book that I chose its called My Tree and Me.

Thursday 6 May 2021

Word of the week


This week for word of the week the word was haughty I didn't really know what it meant so look at this post to figure out what i thought it meant. Hope you like it.

Friday 16 April 2021



Today we did a weekly quiz. Green house came second. We had to pick a topic from the quiz. Me,Ruby, and Keton chose Sweden. We did them separate though obviously. I only put a little bit because we didn't have a lot of time. Hope you like it.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

The Maori Battalion


For reading this week we have been doing Anzac stuff. So Ms. Farr let us make a presentation about the Maori Battalion. I worked really hard on it. Hope you enjoy.

What I learnt in maths.


For maths we had to make a DLO ( digital learning object ) of what we learnt in maths this week. Read to find out what I learnt. Its a good achievement for me. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Kenning poem.







Today we had to write a kenning poem. Can you guess what mine is about I hope you can. Good luck trying. It was fun and easy to make. Hope you enjoy.

Friday 9 April 2021

Oil spill solution.

Hello, For a few weeks we have been learning about oil spills. We did an experiment, we got an container and put water in it, then we put canola oil in it then penguins and we had to save the penguins and figure out how to   get the oil out of the water. Next we draw a picture on how we could pick up the oil if it was in the sea. I draw a rubber ducky with hair on the bottom and on the beak. you can release and dip the beak in the water because it also has hair and fur on it. For disposal I had the idea to burn it in an oven or fire or something like that. Hope you enjoy.


Thursday 1 April 2021

Model of the school.

For our T-shaped literacy we had to make a model of the school and then say how we could make it more environmentally friendly. This is me and Elise's model we said that solar panels could make it more sustainable. Hope you like it.


Tuesday 30 March 2021

Wind and sun.


For reading we had to make a brainstorm of 2 questions how does wind and sun affect our daily life and what activities engage the wind and sun. Hope you like it.

How Tokelau gets energy


For this term we have been learning about energy and now we have to post a lot of stuff. For this we read an article about how tokelau gets energy then we had to create a DLO about how they get it. This is mine.

Persuasive writing.

 Dear Ms Farr, this is Katie and I am going to be telling you why whenua should have a class pet. I hope by the end of this you agree with me too and potentially get one for whenua. I think we should get one because it gives students  responsibility and something to look after.

It will bring a new way of learning and more experiences to have. We could get like a hamster or something then we can watch it spin on it`s wheel and it would bring a sense of humour. Our class pet would be such good friends with us and we would agree with the name that is picked. If we have one maybe even you could pick it`s name like Harriet,Bob or even Junior.

The benefits of having a class pet are that it might make us focus more and have less chats and if that happens you could let it out of it`s cage for us to play with it. We could have a funeral when it sadly passes away to heaven. The responsibility that is taken will lead to being a kind and caring person. Other classes might kindly take our class pet  if we go away on camp or class trips, that will also improve responsibility for other classes too. If you choose the name no one will fight over it.

My last argument is about why we should have one. Getting a class pet would be fun because we can dress it up in little pet clothes like for Halloween,Christmas,Easter and definitely the pets birthday. Each day one person should be responsible for looking after it like, cleaning its tank or cage giving it fresh water and hay or fresh tank water giving it food and everything like that. If we let it out of its cage we would have to shut all the windows and doors.

In conclusion I believe it would be fun to surprise us with one and just have one. Have a think about it, could we have one, your decision.

Yours sincerely 


Caption: I think 2 weeks ago we started doing persuasive writing we started by picking a topic from a site that Ms Farr shared with us, then we started writing it in our books. Later on we got to pick our own topic, I chose having a class pet. I just started writing down what I already knew then did a bit of research like what is the best class pet to have and stuff like that. I hope you enjoy and agree with me. Bye.


Friday 26 March 2021

Word of the week.


This week the word of the week is aesthetic. It can mean concerned with beauty the picture isn't very attractive but it should be fine. Hope you enjoy.

Thursday 18 March 2021

Solar energy poster.

For our T-shaped literacy we had to make a model or poster of how solar energy is created please follow the arrows in order of it to make sense. I coloured in the boxes and then I write down how solar energy is created. I hope you like it.


Wednesday 17 March 2021


For our T-shaped literacy we had to create a DLO on how to save energy. I am on create and nearly done. This should help you save energy if you already do this then ka pai to you. Hope you like it.

Prince Philip's procedure.


When my class and part of whenua did the daily week quiz our teacher let us do research on one of the quiz questions, I chose one about prince Philips procedure on his heart. Hope you like it and it went successfully.

Monday 15 March 2021

E K Energy video


Today we watched a video about potential and kinetic energy then we had to answer the questions above this is what we answered. Hope you like it.

Friday 12 March 2021

Ocean quiz.


For our blogging contract we did a quiz there is alot more things to do but this is me Lotte Elise and Daisy's ocean quiz we had a hard time linking them I hope you enjoy.

Oil Spills.


WALT: Make connections between texts.

Task: Watch this  Mauritius Oil Spill Video and answer the following questions. Now compare the two oil spill disasters. What is the same and different about the events and their impact..


Who owned the vessel? Nagashiki

How much oil was on board? 4000 tonnes

Where is Mauritius? In the indian ocean

Why might the government describe the area as ‘sensitive’?

Because a lot of native marine life lives there.

What are some problems that Mauritius may face? It could of broken up causing an even bigger oil spill.

What have the people of Mauritius already done to clean up the spill? Put hair to soak it up and sponges.

Where was the tanker travelling? It was supposed to be going to Brazil from China.

Who is Happy Khambule?  Senior climate and energy campaign manager

What is the same / different about the Mauritius spill and the MV Rena spill in New Zealand?

Mauritius Spill

Both spills

New Zealand Spill

4000 tonnes of oil

Didn’t break in half

Didn’t have plastic bags on feet

Didn’t put signs up.

Both spills were oil

Both had toxic chemicals

Bring in the army

Put police tape an signs up

Nearly broke in half

Put plastic bags on their feet

Today we started learning about oil spills. There was a video we had to watch and then answer the questions. We had to see the differences between the Maurituis spill and the NZ spill.

Thursday 11 March 2021

Word of the week.


Today we made a word of the week. We made a copy of it in our drive and then deleted the stuff that was already on it.Next we filled it all out. Here is mine I hope you like it.

Wednesday 10 March 2021

E K Energy word map.


For the past week we have been doing T shaped literacy. This is Elise and I energy word map.
We had to choose 2 words from the side of a google drawing obviously it is not shown here.
I chose global warming and Elise chose solar. Here it is and I hope you like it.

Friday 5 March 2021

The history of Pi.


This week we were learning about measuring circles with pi. So today we started learning and researching about Pi. We had to check at least three different websites for one answer to be right. So here is mine I hope you like it.

Thursday 4 March 2021

The BOOM CANDY. By Katie.


Yesterday we were learning to persuade people so the teacher sent  us a site and we could pick one to write  about to get people on your side or to buy it or to keep it. I chose create a new candy persuade people to buy it. Hope you like my blog post.

Exploring the properties of a circle.By Katie

Today we were exploring the properties of a circle we had to do five measures. We started making the grid in our books then we put the date and the radius diameter and circumference then we started measuring and we measured half way across the circle which was the radius and then measured the whole way across the circle which is the diameter then we measured the whole circle with string so we wrapped the string around the circle object then placed our fingers where the piece of string met the other part of string then put it next to our ruler and measured. Here is mine, I accidentally put 6x6 instead of 6x4. Hope you like it.

E K compare and contrast.

For this term and I think next term we are learning about energy and we had to read some supporting texts then make this compare and contrast. Hope you like it.

Wednesday 3 March 2021



Today we had to answer these questions about energy. I hope you like it.

Monday 1 March 2021

The history of What Now.By Katie

On March the 1st 2021, it was What Now's 40th birthday so we had to blog a presentation about the history of What Now. Of course this isn't all of the history and we all had to rely on Wikipedia. Anyways this is my presentation and happy 40th birthday What Now. Hope you enjoy.

Monday 15 February 2021

Our trip to nelson.By Katie.

 We packed our bags for a day trip to Nelson, I got my blanket (in case I got cold) and a bag of toys, including my tablet. Everyone got in the car with not much luggage, it was really early and no one had time to get breakfast, so we got McDonald's. It was so good, I got soft buttered hotcakes with maple syrup. The car trip was so long, I was mostly on my tablet doing pixel art until it went flat. When we finally got to nelson my Dad went past the car place like 5 times. When we finally went in, Holly and I looked at the cars that were inside. Then we went into a room where my parents signed a contract for the car, my Dad started shaking because he couldn't believe he was about to buy the car. Then we went to see the car it was an orange triton. It was sparkling like the sea blue waves. The person who was selling the car showed my parents all the controls. Then we hopped in, it smelled so fresh. Then we had a look around town, there were so many busy shops, people were swarming the shops like bees when there was 1 flower left in the world. The roads were busy as well, my Dad was scared because he thought someone might scratch it so we parked far away from other cars. Then we had a look at the market, we bought some berries and plums. Next, we went to the shops, but there were too many spots and the problem with spots is wherever there are spots there is ... MY MUM don don doooooon! We couldn't get her out 15 minutes later, we finally got her out with 5 spotty pieces of clothing. After that, it was about time to leave so we went back to the Suzuki and the Triton, I went with my Dad and Holly went with my Mum. I and my Dad went to the beach, we took our shoes off the concrete burnt our feet, the sand was quite hot too so we ran to the water it was so cool we spent a little time there but we thought it was time to go home. I had an amazing trip.

Thursday 4 February 2021


If you don't know me this is a slide about me we haven't put in our self-portraits in yet but we will update that soon. Hope you enjoy it.

Kawa of care.By Katie.


Today we talked about the kawa of care to protect our Chromebook. Our teacher put numbers in a hat and we each picked one out of the hat, I got 5 which was I will protect my password and keep it safe this took me a long time to make it took me 1 hour at most. We had to do it on a DLO ( Digital learning object ) I added as much information I could think of. This is my advice to keeping your password safe. Never share your password with anyone, not even your best friend. Well, I hope you enjoy it and take my advice thanks.